Friday, April 22, 2011

Campaigning for Fun

The Week, a weekly magazine featuring a digest of editorials and columns along with global and regional news has announced that the theme for their weekly contest for the week of April 29, 2011 is to come up with a slogan for Mr. Trump's presidential campaign. Readers are encouraged to submit their ideas and the winner will receive a one year subscription free to the magazine.

To put it in perspective, I'll post last weeks question and winner:

Results: To help folks save money for retirement, scientists are developing avatars that show current-day wage earners what they’ll look like — and need — when they are old. We asked you what advice those elderly avatars should give their younger selves.
THE WINNER: An "I Love Justin Bieber" tattoo will not age well
The Week choosing to have this week's question related to Donald Trump and his campaign shows how ridiculous America views Trumps campaign for presidency in 2012. The Week, along with many other broadcast outlets, have and will continue to make light of Trumps campaign, which will can only hurt him. 
This contest is an example of how little the world thinks of Trump and how ludicrous Trumps campaign is.


  1. Its not that the idea of Trump running is ludicrous (he is already infinitely more qualified than Obama was)its just that the left wants to tear apart any viable opponent to Obama. God forbid Trump should have any shot of winning against their fearless leader. Attacks against Trump are getting louder as he gets more serious about running for president. He is not afraid to say what all the other republican candidates are thinking and he should be taken very seriously.

  2. Jordan, I'm interested to hear why you consider Trump to be infinitely more qualified than Obama was. Would you mind explaining more?

  3. I think that the public does not know how to respect Trump anymore. Now that he is a super celebrity from his tv show, no one sees him as the incredibly successful business man that he has become. I'm not passing judgement on his ability to be the next president, i just think that it is important for people to remember that he is a big figure in capitalist america.
